I think they may have identified potential fundamentalists not active ones.
A bit like George Orwell's thought police ( or Tom Crusie's Minority report) , we should just decide that we don't like what some people are thinking and not just keep an eye on them but actively lock them up and then sink the boat! Don't wait for them to act prerform a pre emptive strike maybe and damn the consequences?
So when we have dealt with all of the Islamists we can then round on another section of society who do not think properly , be it communism, hippies,homosexuality, Americans and so on. It's a slippery slope to lock people up for thinking AND you would need a big boat or warehouse for all the thought criminals
We can only deal with those we catch or those whose plans we discover, anything else brings us down to the level of the terrorist. You will end up demanding proof that you are NOT a witch or ISIS or moslem by quoting the National anthem maybe. I don't want to live in that place, it sounds like a slightly more civilised caliphate but just as wrong!
This. :thumb: