You've got some hot yeast...treat it like you would a small child...Plenty of TLC and occasionally try to drown it in sweet sugary fluids...but seriously...
I would :-
1) nick my grandmas pressure cooker and learn how to slant very quickly...keep a good few slants on file in your special compartment of the fridge, then slant and reslant for as long as you can... :thumb:
2) read the threads on here about freezing yeast and bung enough into the freezer for at least 1 brew with glycerine and boiled water...( back stop)
3) if you have enough left over, get a brew on big style and watch it fly, taking copious notes about how it reacts...Speed of fermentation, floctuation, attentuation, esters, tastes and the like
Ive got a few yeasties in storage at the moment...Thwaites, Hopback, WLP023, Fullers, WLP001, WLP004, Abbeydale and my own special strain (Dronfield)
If you can read the yeast book by Chris White and Jamil Zainasheff, it will show you have to sort yourself with yeast.
Remember we as homebrewers make the sweet sugary stuff for the yeasties to convert to beer,