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Active Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Hi guys :)

Apologies first off if this is in the wrong section!

I want to make something similar to the "Apple Sourz" brand at home. The percentage isnt that big of an issue, id imagine champagne yeast could get me 15% which is fine.. its more the flavour that is of an interest to me. Does anyone else have experience with this or low percentage liqueurs?

I believe i can by sour mix, not sure if its the same, and i also know i can use malic or citric acid to provide the sour part of the flavour, i just have no idea where to start! is there a basic recipe out there that i can play around with?


Apple Sourz is apparently only 15%ABV anyway. It's Schnapps, flavoured and diluted, according to Wiki.

You might try 2l of Suma apple concentrate made up to a gallon with water
It'll be pretty appley and somewhere about 15%
For extra souring I think citric might better than malic, might not need anything though
Any wine yeast ought to get to 15
Dunno what else ought to go in to reproduce Apple Sourz as opposed to just an apple wine
Seems too simple with just the Suma
Thanks for the reply :)

i was considering the apple wine route with a Lalvin EC-1118 yeast but didnt know if it would achieve the flavour or the syrupy taste. I may just experiment though! i may just chuck in a few sour apple sweets to give it a kick!!
Syruppy taste... is it a bit sweet as well as sour?
I get "syruppyness" with stupidly oversugared wine, once you ferment enough sugar the syrup effect follows, I think.
Maybe what I suggested plus a bit of glycerine for mouthfeel?
I'd go for something like this (with green food colouring if you want it sourz colour). Add citric acid if it's not sour enough.

I think I'll have to give this a go myself, and see if I can get some sour cherries while I'm at it.
glycerine is a brilliant idea :) that would work just fine for the mouthfeel.

yeah sourz is very sugary but sour (kinda like some of the haribo branded sweets)

the recipe provided for infused vodka is great as well if i modify it a little, may require rather a lot of apples though!! Maybe i should make a sour apple sweet turbo cider? :wha:
i had good results flavouring my washes on demand using the apple sodastream concentrates plus a little citric acid, worked a treat
thats not a bad idea either! hmmm.. a do have a spare few dj's ni may just have to experiment with a few of these ideas and see what matches :grin:

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