Link for thermo pots.

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Active Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi all I am looking at upgrading my mash tun and I'm thinking of getting a thermo pot does anyone have a link for them I am thinking of 30 or 50l preferably with a tap so I don't have to do too much work to it.

It's only the smaller ones that come with a tap, but you will be better putting on a bottom drain if you have the tools. That way you can put in a false bottom. The Homebrew Builder can send you a kit of all the bits you need if you email Mark.
Is it easy to attach a grain filter/false bottom to the ones with the tap pre fitted?

I don't have the tools but the maintenance department at work may be able to do it.

+1 for Bob's suggestion of a bottom drain. It's a bit of a faff to get things fitted up and leak free, but if you're getting someone else to do it, great! If not, it's not beyond the realms of most DIY'ers.

Both Vossy and Bob's how-to and various posts on the matter supplied me with the information and, dare I say it?, confidence to start drilling holes in my shiny new 80 litre Thermopot. I'm now the proud owner of a superb bottom draining 80 litre mash tun :))
mattyhall22 said:
But you wont be able to heat it on a Hob or use gas if you put a bottom draining tap in.


True, but on a Thermopot it's the frickin' balls ;)
mattyhall22 said:
But you wont be able to heat it on a Hob or use gas if you put a bottom draining tap in.


You won't be able to heat a thermopot on any sort of heat source, unless you want to ruin it by melting the insulation. And please call the fire brigade before you do, and warn the neighbours as the fumes will be poisonous and it may explode. If you want a heat source in the mash tun pump it via a HERM/RIM system. Or get a big pot that isn't insulated.
Thanks again for the tips. I think the DIY stuff is a bit much for me. does anyone know where i can buy one. I can pay up to £150 for a pre made one.
OK I have decided to go for one by home-brew builder the 30L one. I will make matching HLT and Boiler, Where can i get 30-35L Pots from? i saw some on the links provided but not the right sizes and the smallest HBB is 50L.


for the best price email the ebay sellers of the thermopots for a quote linked to above..

however 50l or perhaps 70 l vessels could be a bit more future proof, its not uncommon to want more pints out from an ag brew.. And circa 30l could be a bit tight for boil volume and wont give u much room to contain a rolling boil without a messy boil over especially if the brew foams when first hitting boil temps. or if u oversparge by a litre or 2..
Currently I only produce 15l batches due to my 19L Tun. I only want to produce 19-21L Batches of big beers up to 12% I only make beer for myself and have limited room so 30 odd L will be OK for now. But thanks for the heads up.