leaving a brew in the FV?

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New Member
Feb 16, 2014
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Evening all,

Just a quick question, my brew has been in the FV for 10 days now, last night I tested the SG. Result was 1010°. The instructions from my kit say to bottle when the SG is constant below 1008°. I go on a weeks holiday on Friday so do I bottle tomorrow or wait until I get back? I am a little concerned that if I wait the yeast will be dead and won't produce carbonated beer when bottled.

Does anyone have an opinion? Thanks for the help.
If its been at 1010 over a 48hr period then bottle it. Some instructions can be a bit over optimistic. What was your OG?
Welcome to the forum :cheers:

Kit instructions are frequently optimistic regarding time scales and we would usually advise to leave them for longer to get better results.

It is possible that your final gravity could still drop those extra couple of points. It will do no harm whatsoever to leave it for another week or so, there will still be quite enough viable yeast cells for carbonation even if the beer looked completely clear when you bottled it.

Leaving a brew in the FV for longer than a month might cause problems due to something called autolysis when yeast starts decomposing.
I wouldn't have thought an extra week would cause much problems. I've left brews longer in the fv when work has gotten in the way of bottling. And something I learnt quickly, the kit instructions are often at best hopelessly optimistic, at worst full of ****! I tend to go with my hydrometer readings and also have a look on the forum for any feedback other people might have on brewing that particular kit.
I only did a few kits, but I did a Cooper's European Lager and it was left in primary for 2 and a half months. Turned out really good. Bottled and it carbed up fine.

It'll be fine. If anything it'll be beneficial for your beer.