Leak around Tap Hole on Fermenter

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Lightwater, Surrey
My twin handled 5 gallon wine & beer fermenter has developed an irritating leak (slight) between where the tap comes through the hole in the fermenter.
I have tried to repair this by tightening up the nut but this just distorts the rubber washer.
Any suggestions to repair this - is there some type of sealant that I could use?
I have successfully repaired this type of leak (more a weap than a leak) using vaseline smeared round the rubber washer before tightening into the wall of the FV.

Hope it works for you. :thumb:
try just taken the tap off next time its empty. give it a good clean and replace it carefully it might not have seated properly.
If you have cornies run a tiny bit of lube along the threads
Maybe a silly question but is the rubber washer on the inside or outside of the fermenter, if its inside, I would suggest you put it on the outside. Reason being it stop fluid from travelling along the threads and so leaking.
the washer is on the outside and I have tried reseating it ensuring that it is not too tight. No joy though.
Maybe a new washer with vaseline when empty?
This is such a helpful forum! :thumb:

I'm on my first brew and had this problem with the FV I used to dechlorinate my water (am fermenting in an FV without a tap. I'll test this advice out with plain water as I'd like to rack to the tapped FV after a week and then bottle with a little bottler after a further week.
If nothing else works try wrapping a good length of ptfe tape round the thread and especially close to the base.

however as its a fv if u use this method i would also redo it afresh each brew as the folds of tape could harbour a nasty or 2

or cut the losses and earmark that vessel the bottling bucket. fv's do have a limited life before a scratch or something like this forces its retierment and re-use as something else..