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May 27, 2020
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Peak District
Has TT's Landlord changed at all in recent years, I am looking for a good clone recipe but they all seem so far what is listed on TT's own website.
Some don't use Fuggles, and more importantly perhaps TT lists the beer as an IBU of 45 whereas most clones seem to be much lower, even Graham Wheeler lists the IBU at 35 in one book and 30 in an earlier edition? site, albeit from NZ, has a great wealth of recipes. The few I've tried have come out really well. No idea how close their version is to TT Landlord but might be a good starting point?
You'll have to find the equivalent UK malt to what they state but I've found it relatively easy to substitute like for like site, albeit from NZ, has a great wealth of recipes. The few I've tried have come out really well. No idea how close their version is to TT Landlord but might be a good starting point?
You'll have to find the equivalent UK malt to what they state but I've found it relatively easy to substitute like for like
Looking at that site they say the recipe is for the bottled version and that has me wondering if it has a lower IBU than draught.
I see you are from Buxton, is that the UK Buxton as I live just outside.
The recipe changed between 1989 and 1992 the year after that it won beer completions

From a lot of research and off the top of my head

4kg Golden promise 42g black malt
Styrian Goldings
East Kent goldings


East Kent Goldings 60 Minutes 35g
Fuggles 20g 15 Minutes
Flameout Styrian Goldings 50g

Looking at that site they say the recipe is for the bottled version and that has me wondering if it has a lower IBU than draught.
I see you are from Buxton, is that the UK Buxton as I live just outside.
Yep sunny Buxton! You're out in the wilds of Flagg aren't you?