I've never owned a maischfest, but I did used to own a similar boiler, the ACE one. It had a bag not a basket, and a false bottom, but I had to work around similar problems, as did quite a few other brewers at the time.
For mashing, I built a simple recirculation system using a mini mag pump from brew builder. You control the flow using a tap on the output (not the input), so no need for PWM etc. Insulation I used an exercise mat and the bubble type insulation stuff.
A tip, don't go as far down as I did with your insulation.... I put a hole in the lid using a Q-Max cutter, on the underside of the lid I mounted a T fitting for the return.
The connections are all either quick disconnects or camlocks by the way, so the hose came away easily, as did the pump assembly etc.
If I wanted to brew a larger volume, I'd either heat some water up in a large pan on the stove top, or just do a cold fly sparge (still worked).
When it came to the boil, well I fitted a larger bazooka with the end bent over so it would fit in there. I then made sure to use either all whole (leaf) hops, or at the very least mostly whole hops. These would then form a filter over the bazooka, giving me lovely clear wort when it came time to transfer. If I had no choice but to use pellet hops, I'd bag them. At least some whole hops though would help to filter out the proteins from the wort when it came time to transfer.
Just to note, you are going to find buying anything Klarstein increasingly difficult for a while. Klarstein themselves aren't shipping to the UK right now (their couriers won't ship here...), so it's just going to be stock already over here held by 3rd parties.
Oh and I have one of their Brauheld Pros now.
Hope somebody amongst you maybe finds this useful. It made many good beers, before one of the cables in the bottom burned right through, and I built a DIY eBIAB rig that I used for a while.