I've been having a lot of fun since Christmas making beer from Cooper's kits, pimping them up with dry hopping and I've now made three AG simple brews on a small, two gallon scale on the stove top. There is no doubt that the first are easy and the second much more authentic in the sense that the beer is really your own and you didn't buy in half or more of the process. Comparing them is a bit like comparing a curry made at home using a jar of sauce and a curry made after grinding all the spices and deciding exactly how much of which should go in.
To be honest, I would never rate my Cooper's brews as low as '1', or anything like it. The better of them have been in general at least as good as pub beer and better. They are easy and quick. I can have the whole business done in about twenty minutes if the FV and gear were already sterilised when I started, which they always are because when not in use, my FV and gear are sitting in steriliser solution. People who are busy working and bringing up families might not have the time to do AG and can still enjoy a few pints of decent beer. I can only speak about Cooper's kits - they are the first I have done in almost forty years since my younger experiments (when all the beer was dire and barely drinkable). I thought the modern kits I got from them were an eye opener about what could be done in comparison to what passed as beer kits in the '70s and '80s.
I am looking forward to some great AG beer when it is ready. I hope it will be good and I've really enjoyed making it.