Have just come back to brewing after 6 year lay off. I first tried the Wilko Winter Warmer as kit and it was a good pint. The next one to try was Wilco Newki which I added brewing sugar instead of white table sugar, the result was a fuller bodied brew which was excellent, one I will definitely do again. The last one which I bottled yesterday was a Wilko Light Golden Lager. I brewed as kit with a few changes, firstly I added 500gms of Brown sugar plus 500grms of Munstons Spray Malt D.M.E. The yeast I used was a Wilko Yeast (ale yeast) I used this as I wanted to get a good ferment, realising it will add a slight ale flavour. I fermented from 1.045 down to 1.011 it took 10 days. At this stage I siphoned it off the sediment and transferred it to garage for 2days. I then bottled 10 litres as it was, then I added a hop tea made with 25 grams of Goldings hop made in a cafeteria at 80 degrees for 30 minutes, then bottled it. I will let you know the result of this experiment. If anyone can give me any advise on my procedures feel free. I would like some advice on what better kits to buy next.