right ho, to build my boiler, no pid yet, i cant afford it .
so any way we have two asda cheapo kettles and a plastic bucket. for some reason people are having problems with the kettle elements, so heres mine.
two of these at £5,45 each
now before you ask, i had already built the boiler so i just reformed the kettle to take the pictures, some one is going to tell me i have built a bomb or some thing afterwards :wha: :wha:
so any way by undoing the two screws inside the lid and the two in the base we can pull off the outer of the curved handle, this is connected to the switch so lots of screw driver poking and swearing so we dont damage the neon light which is the only two wiwres to the clear plastic switch knob to say when its on,
i have rebuilt the switch to the inside parts of the element so you can see it
but i have put the neon on the outside of the top for show, normally its inside the clear piece.
any way the switch bit all pulls apart and the bit that trips the element on and off is mechanical so i just threw the lot away as i want the element to be either fully on or fully off as i will eventually have a pid controlling it all, but for now i shall be turning it on and off manually.
what it does look like is a computer plug to me the only problem with it is that the pins are the right size the problem is that they are only 5mm long the proper ones are three times that at 14mm long so i have had to chop 6 mm off the end of an normall computer lead,
so just a couple of pointer first, i will eventually have the pins soldered of solidly fixed to a lead when i buy the pid but for now i am using computer leads, the kettle lead is 0.75mm cored so the computer leads are 1.5mm to give it more safety with the longer boil, and the the last thing is this lot is connected up to a RCD via the wall socket to be safe,