JPs a TV star

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Well done young fella. :clap: Just watched it now - fair play to the beeb too, they did a good job with that.
Now I think we need Buzz's video on youtube :cool:
I don't suppose anyone recorded it did they? I'd pay you in beer for a DVD of it, the chaps are all looking yo me to get them a permanent copy of it and I can't be arsed trying to crack the iPlayer format
J_P said:
Cheers folks, I'll be attempting to you tube it for those of you outside the UK.

Nice one J_P :clap:
JP gets the beer of the year from the rear of the year and The Darlington traditional brewers group should get an award for services to the promotion of Craft / Home / traditional brewing.....

Can I have a shed please......
Oh and some beer drinking totty with a camera would be nice
Great job JP and the boys OOp Nawth :thumb:
Any progress on the you tube version????
I'm dying to see this...
Excellent J_P :thumb:
I'm looking forward to seeing this. :cheers: