Thanks for the feedback. I knew that there were faults with the beer, and it was useful to get another perspective.
I will share some of the difficulty here.
For the club's January 2020 Beer of the Quarter (BOTQ), the assorted fools of Norwich Amateur Brewers chose to do a Kveik Off!
The rules were that the beer had to be brewed after 25/12/19, and presented at the club's meeting Monday 20th January 2020.
There were around 10 beers in the Kveik Off! and it is fair to say that results were very mixed.
I brewed an West Coast IPA with SImcoe and Columbus, fermented with Simonaitis from a popular ebay yeast seller. The brewday (28/12/19) went fine and I hit all my numbers. Pitched the yeast at 32C. In short, it took 2 weeks to finish. Crashed, kegged, carbed.
So, my beer looked like orange soup. To say 'lacks clarity' would not do justice to the almost total opacity of this beer. Lots of orange on the nose, but combined with phenolic off flavours.
I have previously brewed with the Voss Omega isolate, and had much better results.
In our brew club, we know how to brew, and yet over half of the beers that we made had significant faults. Of the beers with faults, all of us had purchased our yeast from a popular ebay yeast rabbit.
We wonder whether the strains we were sold were infected. As a club, we have been put off Kveik by this experience.