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Active Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Hegenheim, France
Temperature question for those in the know... Out here in the wilds of France, it's gone from about 5 degrees to 25 in a week. I'm mid ferment, and whilst keeping at 20 degrees was easy when cold, keeping it cool when it's hot is trickier. Currently the thermometer next to the FV says 22.8. At what point MUST I move 24litres of beer down two flights of stairs? Obviously something I'd rather avoid, but don't want to risk the batch either...
hi , if you can place the fv in a larger container etc with water in it will stay a few degrees lower than room temp , the hotter it gets in room the more water you need so move to bath etc and you should be ok . A fermenting fridge is the best method.
Thanks Pittsy,

Really don't think I have anything big enough, other than the bath of course but that's way beyond the ability of my negotiation skills. Maybe I'll move to the cellar and then let settle for a week before bottling. What do you think is the absolute cut-off for doing this. 23 degrees? 24? It's a Mauribrew Ale yeast in there.

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