I paid $12 for 5 boards. I bought the v3.1 boards as the v4 were untested at the time. Still haven’t got around to assembling them yet. I plan to use them with the Brewfather app. Good luck!
I'm also keen to make a kit so am happy to contribute towards a bulk order of parts if it helps
I like the look of this but wonder if my setup is too simple for the likes of this. I have a brew fridge where the heat and cooling is controlled via a STC -1000, at the moment the probe is against the fermenter which is fine. When I eventually build my ispindel this would show both beer temp and gravity. Then if the temp probe was free air in fridge how could I display all temps in this programme and also could it be ran from rasp piThe brewfather integration is brilliant. I did the 3 week trial and instantly signed up for paid membership. I was using BeerSmith but won’t renew that membership when it expires.
I was quoted $60 for 20 boards, of which about half was postage.
You can buy the v1 pcb kits with the sleds from Mechatronics.
The latest one I built was the v4 pcb which doesn’t require a sled or any ballast, fits in a smaller petling tube, and is generally just a much neater solution.
I’ve taken a load of photos of the build, and will get around to writing a build guide for the v4 at some point as there are a couple of small knacks, and not much online about the process.
I like the look of this but wonder if my setup is too simple for the likes of this. I have a brew fridge where the heat and cooling is controlled via a STC -1000, at the moment the probe is against the fermenter which is fine. When I eventually build my ispindel this would show both beer temp and gravity. Then if the temp probe was free air in fridge how could I display all temps in this programme and also could it be ran from rasp pi
That screen shot was from brewfather which is web based.
I believe fermentrack can track both beer and ambient / chamber temperature, and can use the ispindel as an input for switching heating / cooling with as part of a brew pi setup, which does run on raspberry pi.
I would like to build a fermentrack setup, but am currently building one with an stc1000+ and peltier cooler, so the pi will probably be a future upgrade.
This is the furthest I’ve got so far - cooled 8l of water to 4 degrees below ambient after an hour or so.
I haven’t decided yet if I want to modify my fast ferment lid, or wait until I get a brew bucket with a cooling coil.
What's the best place to get them from mate?So I'm struggling to get mine to connect to my router. Have entered my router details into the ispindel config but that's as far as itl go. Anyone else had this issue?
I've ordered up some more components hoping I've just got a faulty pcb.
Haven’t measured energy usage, but I dont think they’re the most efficient.Ah nice! I wondered about running the chilled coolant through a radiator with fan to chill a ferm chamber.
Have you measured the energy consumption to achieve that 4 degree drop?
What's the best place to get them from mate?
So I'm struggling to get mine to connect to my router. Have entered my router details into the ispindel config but that's as far as itl go. Anyone else had this issue?
I've ordered up some more components hoping I've just got a faulty pcb.
The config page displays my router name but status indicated not connected.How do you know it’s not connecting to your router?
Have you set up a ubidots account or similar?
When you connect to the ispindel, one of the other pages shows the temperature and tilt values, so that should tell you if the tilt and temp are reading correctly.
whenever I’ve set them up I‘be our router details in and clicked save, then it had reset and no longer been visible, so didn’t show and confirmation that it had connected.