Is my beer ruined?

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Active Member
May 26, 2024
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It's done the first stage fermentation and I have og of 1.040 and Fg of 1.009 but I have loads of floaters here. This is after I transferred the brew into a second bucket. All sanitised equipment from the outset. The racking barrel too!
What is going on here. It tastes like beer. Would it be an idea to rack it again with a filter. I have a teabag that came with the hops. The brew is hoppy days by dark rock with brew enhancer. Hoping it's not ruined.
Looks like yeast to me. I certainly wouldn't keep swapping it from one vessel to another. That'll definitely spoil it. The beer's reached it's target FG so I'd bottle it up pretty soon if I were you.

It's hard to tell from a photo, but whats that round blob near the bottom right hand corner? I should fish that out with a sterilised spoon. Looks like a mould colony from here. And just left of centre of the photo, has something landed on the surface?
Might be just the photo.
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Looks like yeast to me. I'd bottle it up pretty soon if I were you.

Might be just the photo.
Yeah the photo isn't the best. There's no mold or insects in there😂

I'll bottle it tomorrow.

Should I try and fish out that yeast? Seems to be only on the top inch or so?
Looks like yeast to me. I certainly wouldn't keep swapping it from one vessel to another. That'll definitely spoil it. The beer's reached it's target FG so I'd bottle it up pretty soon if I were you.

It's hard to tell from a photo, but whats that round blob near the bottom right hand corner? I should fish that out with a sterilised spoon. Looks like a mould colony from here. And just left of centre of the photo, has something landed on the surface?
Might be just the photo.
I spotted those too - need a look at. Otherwise the beer is clear other than floaters
I spotted those too - need a look at. Otherwise the beer is clear other than floaters
I did a thing. A sterilized a sieve and fished out the floaters just before bottling. The floaters were mainly comprised of hops. So I fished them out and racked the whole lot through the seive . 5 mins later I bottled the ale. Looks good. far. No flotsam in my beer. Used plastic bottles with ½ spoon sugar and squeezed the neck gap. Hoping for a good result
Here's a tip for you:
Rather than guessing 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar, you can use a little coffee spoon.
That's normally easier than trying to find a measuring spoon set that goes that small.
I've got a couple of measuring sets. One has ½ tsp and the other has ¼ and ½ teaspoon. But I've never come across the coffee spoon you describe.
Personally, I use none of these. I use a teaspoon and guess. 🤣
Here's a tip for you:
Rather than guessing 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar, you can use a little coffee spoon.
That's normally easier than trying to find a measuring spoon set that goes that small.
I use a mustard spoon and castor sugar as it's fine and finds it's own level

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