I'll double down on this take with numbers!
I looked at international ranking found that the Netherlands is ranked 11. All other nations are former colonies, were formerly occupied, or were governed otherwise by the British at one moment in time. You would guess that cricket must be really popular over in the Netherlands right?
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When I look at cricket clubs / associations in the Netherlands I can find that in 2018 we had 46 cricket clubs in the Netherlands. This is more or less the same number as ice hockey clubs (42) so the popularity is not that different.
It ranks below cross-bow shooting, skiing (how?! we don't have any mountains!), fencing, and the ever popular klootschieten (road bowling) in terms of active clubs.
It's completely eclipsed when you look at football, (field) hockey, handball, tennis, ice skating, volleyball, cycling, korfball, base ball, basketball.. and that's not counting the perhaps not sports asociations like bridge, chess, checkers, rescue swimming, golf, horse riding, shooting etc.
The point that I'm trying to make that cricket is not super popular and ranks somewhere between beugelen and klootschieten in the Netherlands - and that makes it a niche sport because you most likely never heard of these sports. In my experience it's also practiced mostly in areas where we have large expat communities with Indian, Pakistan etc. population.