Go BIAB, check out biabrewer (google it) they have a section known as stovetop or minibiab. If you can make a 10L pot of stew and brew kit beer, you can minibiab.
Most BIAB systems are low cost and pretty straight forward, then of course there is the other end of the scale (braumeister), I don't think anyone could tell if a brew had been done by BIAB instead of a 3V system. A side by side comparison of the same brew would have differences but those who BIAB are certainly no worse off than those who 3V.
To answer the question though, IMHO AG is undoubtedly worth it. Don't compare hobby craft products with commercial products, a commercial product will almost always cost more and be of less quality compared to someone who has a real interest in whichever hobby they pursue and do it well. A commercial product almost always has to make sacrifices, otherwise it'll cost too much.
Even the bigger up-and-comers like brewdog or thornbridge(both who are or nearly are brewery size now) have to make financial choices on their product despite all the bluster.