is 8g of priming suger /litre too much?

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May 11, 2011
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Rotherham, the land of the Mockney Chef
Hello all, the Coopers Mexican Cerveza is according to the instructions ready to be bottled, the OG was 1042 and it's now down to 1011. (unfortunately I may have been a little enthusiastic when doing the wort, and added about 2litres of water too much :hmm: - lesson learned). The current fv capacity marking doesn't go past 20L on it's scale, whereas my second fv goes up to to 23L (so I might not yet have over watered).

The instructions say that I should use 8g of sugar per litre for bottling - I am intending batch primaing in a 2nd FV immediately beofre bottling.

If I have 25L, I make that I need 200gr of priming sugar and obviously if I have 23L I'll need 184gr.

Do either of these sound on the high side? I've been reading a few posts where 100~125gr seems to be the norm, and some as low as 60~80gr.
I did look at a carbonation calculator, and selected American Light lager at 2.6volumes (as a guess as this was the closest thing I thought resembled Cerveza), with ordinary can sugar the dosage came out at 152gr for 23L and 165gr for 25L both at 20degC.

Bottling in 1L PET bottles btw.

Should I just follow the instructions on the kit?

any advice gratefully received.
It comes down to one question - how fizzy do you like your beer? :thumb:

I'd advise to err on the side of caution and use less, rather than more.

opening a bottle and carefully pouring the beer only for it to froth up so that the glass ends up 2/3rds full of froth, frankly sucks :roll:

It's your call, but I'd say no more than 120g for the full batch, prefferably less - but that's my personal preference coming in, maybe not yours :whistle:
AS AN AWARD WINNING BREWER MY ADVISE WOULD BE...... Sorry that will be the one and only time I will use that phrase :rofl: :rofl:

I believe the Cerveza is a Lager type beer so will be served cold and is supposed to be more on the fizzy side. I use 3g per 500ml bottle in an Ale. So that would be 6g per Liter so I suppose 8g per liter would not be unreasonable. As it will be served cold it should absorb the extra CO2 and not fizz out of the bottle like a warmer served ale would at that carbonation level. Just my take on things and I may be totally wrong.
8g per litre is absolutely fine for a fizzy beer/lager.

Absolute minimum chance of the PET bottles exploding anyway even if you do over prime them, they can withstand a huge amount of pressure.

Disclaimer - i am not an award winning brewer
Thanks for all the replies, all primed up now, I went fo 8g/L in the end, two sugar lumps per
bottle as per the instructions, as I like a bit of fizz in lager. Time will tell,'all part of the experience :D