IPA - Indian Pale Ale - Very Low OG

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New Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Hi guys,

I'm brewing my 3rd beer, an IPA - India Pale Ale. I used 300G dextrose and 500G of the spray malt stuff.

But I'm a bit concerned that my OG is 1.021, and the instructions say it should be around 1.042.

There's 23L of water in the fermentation bin, maybe that has something to do with it being so low?! Or maybe it's that I took the reading about 20 seconds after I added the yeast?

I'd really appreciate any advice anyone could give :D
the sugars are probably not mixed in well enough, dont worry the yeasties will find it./... most kits are around 1040-1042
I stir and stir but never get it to mix right ....... probably what's happened here. If you followed the instructions I wouldn't worry .....

PD beat me to it
Ok thanks for the help guys. I'll have to see how it goes!

I put a load of water in a pan, heated it up to almost boiling point, and then poured the dextrose and the spray malt into the pan (slowly and separately!), and then stirred it all in so there was no bubbles.

I then poured this into the fermentation bin, and added the metal tin with all the syrup in, but I didn't stir that in with the water... And then I poured all the water from quite a height.

Does that sound like a possible reason that the sugars would not be mixed in well enough?
yep you got to stir and stir and stir again to mix the can contents
Another important lesson learnt!! Ah well, at least my 4th one is more likely to come out right lol
There's no reason this will turn out bad. Have no fear - and remember that the more attempts you take the more beer you get!