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New Member
Sep 29, 2013
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So, introductions. I've been brewing AG brews for a few years now, started with BIAB (~18l) then 18 months ago moved on to BIAB on a much larger scale, with a brew length of 50l. Kept with the BIAB principal to save space, using a large removable mesh bucket to hold the grist. The kettle was made out of a mango barrel, with two kettle elements, I had a kind of RIMS arrangement using a solar project pump. This was all connected up to a PID controller. This worked quite nicely, although the weight of the grist at the end of the mash was considerable. Unfortunately my PID failed during my last brew, fortunately during the boil, so I was able to get to the end of the boil by rewiring the electronics!

This brings me on to where I am now. In contemplating replacing the PID, I decided to upgrade again, and my current plan is for a two vessel setup, using a ~100l bergland pot and ~80l thermo pot. Using a principal of a combined HLT / Kettle, and thermo pot mash tun. I'm thinking of ether a RIMS or HERMS setup, possibly HERMS but using a plate heat exchanger (any thoughts on doing this?). I then plan to sparge using the full volume, not sure of the efficiencies / inefficiencies of doing this? This is likely to all be pumped using solar project pumps, and I'm considering controlling using a Brewtroller or equivalent.

Would be interested to hear people's views on what I'm planning, including any pointers to where I might be able to find the parts to build the kit.

I look forward to contributing to this forum, and getting to know people on here.

