Intriguing flavour of wheat

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Aug 25, 2012
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North Essex
A couple of months ago I brewed a bitter and for the first time added a bit of wheat malt to try to improve the head. I was disappointed with the result as the beer never cleared properly. I put this down to either the liquor (I am new to this area) treatment or the malt not converting the wheat properly. I tried a couple of bottles today. Still not completely clear, but WHAT a taste. My favourite beer of all time is EFES lager on draught in Turkey. (dont bother with the Tesco EFES bottles). The background flavour reminds me of passing a field of wheat when they are harvesting it and having a good sniff!! EFES has it and so does my beer although it is nothing like a lager. The smell will be familiar to us country boys but you towny's wont know what I am talking about. :wha:
In my experience (of drinking it, rather than brewing it) wheat beer is never entirely clear. Can't give you the reasons why, just don't fret about it too much.
sounds like you would enjoy an American style wheat beer ( not a german hefeweizen) it's a very wheaty drink brewed with ale yeast , no banana,clove etc .
Usually around 200g is about enough for a brew that uses wheat for head retention and you should have any clarity issues with such a small amount (approx 4% of grain bill) getting cloudy beer isn't as easy as you might think (if you wanted it )
I've used up to 800g and got only a slight haze. With 300g or less I get clear beer. I do like the slight dryness and wheat flavour it gives, though!

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