Im sorry, what have you got going for Christmas

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Apr 28, 2011
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Essex, UK
I know I know, I really should not be talking about the 'C' word this early, and normally I dont want to think about that time of year in general until its around mid November, but with all the shops filling up with stuff over a month ago, I may as well ask..

So what has everyone got going for this Christmas then? Ive got my Brewferm Grand Cru I did around march (only a few left), some plum wine from kit I made last October, Peach wine from kit last November, butler wine kits (Liebheimer,piesheimer) that are 6-12 months old at the moment, Also have a winexpert selection international pinot grio and Australian Chardonnay ready to bottle. Going to be bottling a brewferm Tripple this weekend, and starting an Edme stout kit (which I will probably need some advice on). Have a few other things on the go,but mostly for next summer.

Before anyone says it,I dont have an alcohol problem, well not any more, I have plenty of it now! :drink:
One of the beers I plan to sample this Christmas I brewed last Christmas, it's been sat in the shed 'fermenting' ever since. It tasted pretty much on target when I tried it a couple of months back. OK, it is a pretty bonkers beer (Flemish Red(ish)) and I do plan on making something more sensible as well.
I think I'm going to try and brew something that will take the whole year to be ready during the break between Christmas and New Year every year. Just so I have something to look forward to (apart from the christmas thing) each year. My plan for this Christmas is probably a fruit lambic of some kind, though one year may not be enough for that.
I tried a lambic at the Spring Thing, and to be honest, I wouldn't rush out and try another :sick:

Not my idea of a nice beer..but maybe that's where I'm going wrong ??

When I drink a beer, it has many flavours, but not sour and bitter tones. Not for me... :?
ive got a heather ale extract recipe fermenting at the mo so will probably leave that in the cornie till xmas before trying(apart from the the odd sample ofcourse!), the recipes I've read online give you an idea of how much heather to use, ive used more than they said and i cant really smell heather from the Fv, ive not tasted it yet but I would like to add some heather aroma to it aswell. i might consider dry heathering( as opposed to dry hopping) for a few days
adrianmole72 said:
I tried a lambic at the Spring Thing, and to be honest, I wouldn't rush out and try another :sick:

IIRC that was a one of the more extreme lambics, a lot are not quite as sour. Most of the fruit beers you can buy have a lambic base (or another sour beer) and are not particularly harsh. Anyway, purposefully sour beers are one of those things you either like or don't, personally I'll drink them in small quantities, but they are not session beers.
adrianmole72 said:
I tried a lambic at the Spring Thing, and to be honest, I wouldn't rush out and try another :sick:

Not my idea of a nice beer..but maybe that's where I'm going wrong ??
Did we try the same bottle that Uncle.P bought? :sick:
I'd have used up all mi Gaviscon suppin' that stuff...

Ive got the Brewferm Tripel sat in bottles waiting for xmas / new year (im starting to consider if pint bottles was a good idea... ~7.4%? :twisted: )

Ive also got an AG tripel at had an OG of 1.078 in secondary now, that'll def be in 330 bottles.. That may be ready for xmas but maybe an early spring warmer?

Im planning afew timmy taylor clones for general consumption and a few lager kits to keep the general populas happy as well as a BruPaks Linthwaite Gold which is sat finished primary after 3 days thanks to US-05 that'll be kegged and be an early festive treat!
BarnsleyBrewer said:
adrianmole72 said:
I tried a lambic at the Spring Thing, and to be honest, I wouldn't rush out and try another :sick:

Not my idea of a nice beer..but maybe that's where I'm going wrong ??
Did we try the same bottle that Uncle.P bought? :sick:
I'd have used up all mi Gaviscon suppin' that stuff...


Yes, it was Shanes, and I believe Lancssteve brought one.. I'm with you, BB..where are my 30mg Lanzoprozole??? :-)

Anyway, it wouldn't be good if everyone liked the same thing,now would it !

Barley Wine and if I get my Ar*e in to gear, an elderberry stout and a Stout and a Bitter.

Just bottled my christmas pudding wine so should be nicely drinkable by christmas. (this one: ... php?t=1758 ) Also bottled some pinot noir which is good now, but I'll try to leave it a little bit!
Was going to make an imperial stout next, but might try a christmassy beer if I can find a interesting looking recipe.
Darcey said:
Ive got the Brewferm Tripel sat in bottles waiting for xmas / new year (im starting to consider if pint bottles was a good idea... ~7.4%? :twisted: )
Very similar: I have two batches of their Grand Cru that was bottled last month (only came in at 6.4% though). I'll also be doing a 23l batch of cherry/raspberry stout.
WelshPaul said:
Very similar: I have two batches of their Grand Cru that was bottled last month (only came in at 6.4% though). I'll also be doing a 23l batch of cherry/raspberry stout.

Let me know how that comes out. I tried the Frambroos and i was really disappointed with it. 5 months in bottle and still tasted really harsh, not unpleasant tho. Maybe that's what the beer is suposed to taste like. But I wouldn't mind having a store of Belgians ready to crack... with out doing the huge mashes / smaller volumes of AG..
The Grand Cru did taste very strongly "medicinal" at the time of bottling: I put it down to being a young beer at the time - it had better bloody well get its act together for the end of November!
WelshPaul said:
The Grand Cru did taste very strongly "medicinal" at the time of bottling: I put it down to being a young beer at the time - it had better bloody well get its act together for the end of November!

Mine tasted ok at bottling, yes it had a strong alcoholic taste but I could tell it was going to end up good. 3 months down the line it tasted really good, im trying to think when I did bottle it, think it was around March time of this year.

Dont worry, I am sure it will be fine with a bit of time
Darcey said:
The tripel tasted like it had potential.. but not good at time of bottling.

How long did yours take to ferment, I was hoping to bottle mine today as I started it 24/08/11 but its still bubbling slowly, took a hydrometer reading last weekend and it was only about half way to what the instructions say it should ferment out to :hmm: will take another reading tomorrow and see where I sit.

Am I right in saying that if you were to use 500gm candy sugar as compared to 500gm brewing sugar, the brewing sugar would end up giving you a slightly higher ABV?