Is space unlimited (i.e. is this hypothetical or is the spare bedroom out of bounds?).
Is this �ã1500 for a new hobby from scratch or an experienced brewer who can shop 2nd hand and build things?
If it were me, I'd keep my current plastic 3-tier system (cost ~�ã200 to build)
Add in a couple of conical's and a couple of s.h larger fridges for them (�ã180 conicals, �ã100 parts, materials and an old fridges). ~�ã280
Keezer,(�ã40 freezer, 6x �ã30 taps, 6x �ã30 kegs, �ã100 ancillaries and fittings, �ã30 CO2, �ã50 Coke-cola gas board off ebay) ~�ã550
Yeast handling kit, a workbench with sneeze guard, fridge, diy stir plates, etc. Mostly because good yeast is I think the one thing my current setup is lacking. If I want to brew an AIPA I'm practically limited to Safael US-05, because it's �ã2 and makes nice beer. Doing a split batch with 3 similar yeasts then becomes expensive as other yeasts are liquid and �ã7 each.
Hi Spoon
When your fancy yeast has done its thing. just swirl it around in the primary FV with a bit of left over beer and bung it into some 250ml PET bottles that previously held lemonade or such-like. If you leave these in the fridge, they keep for months. That spreads out the cost over many brews and I am guessing that any brewery or regular HB'er would do this.