I would like an informed opinion as i do not have a clue

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Active Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Right my problem is this, I have just done a Coopers IPA and after only 4 days all airlock activity has stopped, is this normal? Also i started a Young's pils kit and this has done the same but i think that managed 5 days before packing up. I have only ever done cider previous to these two kits so i am unsure as to how the process goes.

Any information greatfully received
Do you have a hydrometer? If your gravity is stable is for a couple of days and is around 1010 then go for bottling :thumb:
There are a few variables that determine the rate of fermentation....principally; how much sugar is in there, what form it takes and the fermentation temperature.
It's not that unusual to have fermentation complete in 3 days.

Do not go by airlock activity alone.....it may just be fermenting very slowly.
Obtain a hydrometer and use this to monitor fermentation......you will then be able to check that the gravity reading is stable over a a period of 2 or 3 days and the reading is at the expected final gravity (or close to it).
I bottled a batch of Coopers IPA earlier this week after about 10 days fermentation. At day 4 the activity on mine would have been rather lively to say the least.

As the other posters suggest, the first thing to do is check the gravity, if it's down to about 1.010 (that's where mine finished) then no problems, go ahead and bottle. If it's much higher then maybe you have a stuck fermentation. Is it in a warm enough place? Giving it a bit of a stir may set it off again.

I don't use an airlock, just a loose-fitting lid but I've seen other threads on here where there is fermentation but no airlock activity, maybe the gas is getting out somewhere else?
Thanks all, i have got a hydrometer but to be honest i struggle to use it. (a bit thick) i will have to have a good look at it and take a reading off the lager and the pale ale over the next couple of days. And i use 5 gallon demi johns so there shouldn't be any gasses leaking, i will check though,

Again thanks for the advice
bellowsface said:
Thanks all, i have got a hydrometer but to be honest i struggle to use it. (a bit thick) i will have to have a good look at it and take a reading off the lager and the pale ale over the next couple of days. And i use 5 gallon demi johns so there shouldn't be any gasses leaking, i will check though,

Again thanks for the advice

Have a look on YouTube. Search on craigtube hydrometer. He's a laid back Canadian guy, but his videos are quite informative and should give you a good heads up on using this valuable instrument.

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