Hydrometer Reading And No Bubbling

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Active Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Location,Location - Maldon Essex
Hello all it will be a week on sunday when i started my virgin brew (Youngs Lager) what should be the hydrometer reading around now also as i have said before i had no bubbling in my airlock or no sign of foam in my hv but there does look like a bit of scum at the top of the fv (not at the bottom) Your advice is much appreciated as usual.
I imagine it would have started with a hydro reading at about 1040 ish so you will be looking around the 1005 for a finishing target :thumb:
i started a lager kit on saturday 1.045 but that was using an enhancer and its a bit cool out in the brew shed of a night but it has a good froth on the top and checked it today (Friday)and its down to 1.010 should be ready in a couple of days.
it would of been quicker if i had kept it warmer
shaunyp said:
Hello all it will be a week on sunday when i started my virgin brew (Youngs Lager) what should be the hydrometer reading around now also as i have said before i had no bubbling in my airlock or no sign of foam in my hv but there does look like a bit of scum at the top of the fv (not at the bottom) Your advice is much appreciated as usual.
So do you think mine will be ok?
What is the current Hydro reading and what was it at the start?