Hydrometer correction

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Sep 18, 2009
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My hydrometer reads 1002 or 1003 at 20 degrees celsius, can I just take 2pts off readings at 20 degrees?
Sorry, I'll try again

My hydrometer is calibrated for 20 degrees celsius. It reads 1002 (could be 1003 but lets call it 1002) in water at 20 degress celsius

So given that my base reading is 1002 not 1000 (i.e. 2pts higher) do I just knock 2 pts off a reading in wort. For example a reading of 1050 at 20 degress celsius becomes 1048.

Is that clearer?
The tables for termperature correction of hydrometer readings in my brewing books tend to show values for both 15 and 20 degree calibrations, so I assume that they are both fairly common. Personally I've never had one calibrated at 15 degrees but then I've been brewing for less than 2 years :)
TheMumbler said:
My hydrometer reads 1002 or 1003 at 20 degrees celsius, can I just take 2pts off readings at 20 degrees?
At 20C yes . . . at other temperatures you have to take off the 2C temperature adjusted for the temperature you are measuring it it.

Have you considered gently . . . (I SAID GENTLY) tapping the base of the hydrometer on a firm surface . . . you can sometimes move the scale so that it reads correctly in water.

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