humble apologise

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Jun 25, 2012
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I have been making beers from kits since the beginning of the year and have been quite satisfied with my efforts...very drinkable.
Now I got fed up with reading posts from All grainers saying how much better All grain was and that there was no comparrison with kit beers....
Phu... I thought they are talking out there bottoms..... :D How can you get better than a St. Peters red ruby etc etc.
Anyways I decided to test their assertions out. in September this year.

Each of my brew days have had problems, my inexperience, my untried cobbled equipment have been putting problems in front of me and I was starting to question whether the expense was worth it changing from kit beers... whatever they say setting up all grain costs a bob or two.
Well that was yesterday.
Today my first all grain brew came on line.... Piddles Dribble brewed 13 September.
My first all grain brew and everything that could go wrong...went wrong.. from knocking a tap out and losing several litres to the garage floor ( I'm still sticking to that ) to missed volumes in brew length and gravities.
It was bottled around the 19th and tasted very thin and insipid not much hope was given to the brew.
Today was my first tasting.........after a few short weeks in the bottle................" F**k me.
Its gorgeous...clear and crisp and a great colour. There's mouth feel, taste and after taste galore. I can't believe its the same beer.
If this is a sign of things to come...I can't wait for Sarah Hughes 1, Sarah Hughes 2, Timothy Taylor. Gob Hoblin and Exmoor Gold to come online... :party: :party: :cheers:

So to all you All grainer's I apologise, yet again you were absolutely correct. All Grain beers knock the spots off kits !

And as a recommendation of this brew suffice to say I've had a litre of Piddles Dribble this morning and typing this post has took ages...the keyboard wont sit still......

Cheers to you all.
Damn it, this is not the sort of post I want to read! I've been doing a good job of convincing myself that kits are perfectly fine and whilst I accept that AG will be an improvement, the difference would be marginal and therefore not worth it.... now I read this and once again the yearning to join the dark side is incredibly strong! Unfortunately there is no money for the foreseeable to fund such an adventure

Anyway, enjoy PD, I am deeply envious!! :cheers:
It was my first brew so I went for one including all the ingredients from The Homebrew Company above. Their English Pale Ale.
Blooming tasty....!
Ooh Brian a litre already ;) good on ya mate, if the kids mess me around any more I'm going to lock myself in the garage and down a few , bloody half term hrmph!

Yep this AG is a slippery slope and bloody addictive , congratulations on Piddle's Dribble :thumb:
Thats very interesting to read PD

I love the kits myself as its so easy to make premium beer, i'm currently going through a Barrel of Nelson's Revenge and its just to drinkable, 5 pints on Sunday night of pure drinking pleasure and not a sign of a hangover.

I have thought about moving on but i really cant be arsed as i'm a lazy git really and want the best for the easiest way possible and the two can kits hit the spot for me as the're good enough and i can only just keep up with (my) demand.

Good to know though
It's all about taste some brewers are quite happy with the standard of brew they get with kits and if their happy then good on them others try AG brewing and are pleasantly surprised by the results so for me I'm not knocking anyone I myself got drawn to the dark side and havnt looked back were all brewers of some form or another and that's what it's all about making enjoyable brews :thumb: I'm glad you have been able to compare the fruits of your labour PD :cheers:
I'll just sign my beer soul over now too...

...just back from the Malt Miller with a bag o' grains 'n' hops 'n' yeast 'n' stuff... :thumb:
I havent even bottled my first kit yet but know that after another 2/3 kits i will be investing in a boiler and a mash-tun etc, etc, etc, etc.

Already spent around £200 on equipment and kits and sundries but await the dark AG side with glee :cheers:
mattrickl06 said:
I havent even bottled my first kit yet but know that after another 2/3 kits i will be investing in a boiler and a mash-tun etc, etc, etc, etc.

Already spent around £200 on equipment and kits and sundries but await the dark AG side with glee :cheers:
It's a slippery slope but the dark side is strong
Good for you man! Glad it went well...can't beat that feeling when a beer turns out great.

Just a quick question, did you go straight from kits to AG or did you do some extract inbetween?
Straight from kits to All Grain..

Yes Simon I know it was early but I had been out in the garage bottling the Timothy Taylor Landlord and you know how it is. Everyone forgets you, no coffee arrives so a man has to drink something.
I've just put 30 bottles of Timothy Taylor into the airing cupboard and moved 40 bottles of Sarah Hughes 1 back into the garage... :D
Sarah Hughes 2 is in various wardrobes around the house and Exmoor Gold has joined Gob Hoblin in their respective fermenter's......

We were getting the beginnings of a snarl up in the system ! :D

Traffic can flow again.
Nice one - odd how a brewday going wrong can still all come good after some time :thumb:

This AG lark is easy really - just all happens over a longer time in the day :whistle:
Nice one PD. :thumb:

When I first started a couple of months ago I said to myself there was no way I would ever go AG. But I must admit, I'm beginning to feel the 'pull'. :eek:

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