Hugging as a greeting in the workplace.

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
They are discussing it on 5 Live and saying it is becoming more prevalent, Tony Livsey has the same attitude as me and says its a big no no a shake of the hands will do fine anything else is just wrong.

What are your views.

I can't say I have any desire to start hugging my colleagues any time soon, it seems strangely unnecessary. But then I do tend to keep work and personal life pretty seperate.

I've do have one colleague who occasionally hugs people, it's never bothered me when he's hugged me, but I did once see someone get pissed off and tell him not to do it again.
I can't say I have any desire to start hugging my colleagues any time soon, it seems strangely unnecessary.

This is my point why do people need to hug in a working environment i can imagine a lot of people will be uncomfortable being hugged especially women being hugged by senior male members of staff and they may not want to voice their dislike in case it backfires on them.
Hugs and kisses are for close friends. I don't really like anyone at work enough to hug them (or shake hands tbh).
For goodness sake, we're not French! Keep your hands to yourselves you rapists!

Ok ok, being serious, as has been pointed out, this can't be good for younger members of staff who might be uncomfortable with old gits like me giving them a hug.
What a load of rubbish! Why can't we just go to work,do what we have to then go home and forget about it?
The latest on the news is being phobic about men could be a hate crime...FFS....another pile of of turds...I'm not particularly keen on chips but I'm not phoning the police about the chip seller down the road!
If this crap carries on everything will be a hate crime and everyone will be guilty..
I think we do the hugging thing far to much everywhere but when my opposite number from head office was visiting, a scary lady, as she was leaving she started giving each of us a hug goodbye. The office still joke how I looked horrified before saying 'Sorry I have a cold' in what I am informed was a very unconvincing fashion.

It's now my go to defence.
If you're not a member of my family, you're not invading my personal space and hugging me, end of story. Hugging me uninvited is a trespass upon my person.
What are your views.

I don't come from a family of huggers. I actually only like hugging my wife; she's the one I really know and am happy to see.
And little kid relatives hugging my knees. I'm okay with that that. It's cute.

My blood relatives NEVER used to hug. Now it's mandatory to hug everyone once you walk in the door.
I've actually thought about NOT getting to know someone well enough so that hugging is then okay.

Needless to say, co-worker hugging is not required nor desired. I saw a woman I worked with for five years and I'm pretty sure I never even touched her during that time after shaking her hand the first time I met her. I was fine with just saying, "Good morning, JT," for five years. I see her in the Kroger's (grocery store) and she steps in and hugs me! Not my cup of TEA. (See...someone used "chip" and now I'm using "Tea?" Witty.

10 seconds.
Ten seconds! I'd be very uncomfortable.

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