How vital is a chiller

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I've used a chiller to good effect in the past but I did hate wasting the water - I did use it for plants, cleaning etc but I've got water butts for plants and cleaning required is minimal tbh. I now brew in the evening and let it cool over night, pitching yeast the next day when it's down to temp. Works for me. Mind you, the South West has higher water bills than the rest of the UK as SW Water forks out for the beach cleaning to some extent apparently... bloody tourists :D
retourrbx said:
beach cleaning to some extent apparently... bloody tourists

Why do locals in holiday spots always grumble about tourists, surely with out tourists shops and pubs would close, public services would be decreased oh and thousands of people would be out of a job. Bit hey ho at least you would have the bloody beaches to yourself.

Sorry had to be said.
lol - I'm sure they don't always grumble about tourists. But, if everyone is enjoying the beaches, why is it the locals that have to pay for their upkeep? Surely it should be shared around the country?
Because we don't have beaches in manchester. There again in the last 20 yrs billions of united utilities bill payers money has been used to clean up centuries worth of pollution in the irish sea and estuaries so don't feel to hard done to when you have to pay for someone to clean chip wrappers up of the beach which some chip shop owner sold.

I have just come back of my hols at the sea side and spent a serious amount of cash in the local economy. I think I have paid my fair share for going on the beach a few times.