wilsoa1111 said:
just to point out that 20 pints a week is approx double your RDA(having 2 non drinking days in a week)... just sayin is all - cos i always stick to my RDA :grin:
I prefer to be guided by the Australian RDA (it's twice ours :thumb: - must be correct, since a Government said so.. right?)
Now, I've trotted this little gem out a few times - I work in the pensions industry, and the pension industry is ruled by actuaries - people who understand horribly complex statistics - and, among other things, they set the prices of annuities.
Annuities are what you buy when you retire - you use the accrued pension fund to buy as many annuities as possible. the price of those annuities is tailored to YOU - so your age, lifestyle etc - all the risk factors that contribute to determining how long you are likely to live.
this is all worked out using mortality tables - basically, shed loads of data on what age people die at, and what their lifestyle was.
When it comes to alcohol consumption (assuming all other things are equal - weight, smoking etc etc) the LONGEST life expectancy is for those who drink 40 - 55 units a week. Yep, you read that right.
And you know who has almost the LOWEST life expectancy? Tee-totallers!!!
In fact, to have the same shorter life expectancy as a non drinker, you have to exceed 65 units a week routinely throughout your adult life!!!
So, bugger the 20 units a week - aim for around 45 units, don't get fat, stay fit, don't smoke, stay off sugary, processed foods, and you have a good chance of living far longer than if you stick to the UK recommended weekly alcohol consumption guideline :mrgreen: :drink: :drink: :drink: