PMSL nah but a bit of experimentation and it worked a treat, not food grade but sterilised haha
I bet you get a good vortex with that.
PMSL nah but a bit of experimentation and it worked a treat, not food grade but sterilised haha
nice workwell had a go at a stirring stick
worked pretty well and folds down to fit in DJs
View attachment 99183
nice work
can you zoom in on how each are attached?
ThanksHi no black arts simply took a plastic hanger snip it to size roughly you want, i could not find a lighter so used a blow touch lightly waved (over kill) to heat plastic goes soft run under cold tap to keep it shape be gentle it necks and breaks easy!
i needed mine to fit in DJs so i tried but could not get a decent bend to fit in the neck.
went for cable ties, just zipped up tightly they grip fine if you pull them tight. Snipped off excess so they are just smaller than the diameter of the DJs.
They fold and bend to fit in the neck then spring out.
10 secs each way, slow speed on the drill about half trigger pressure.
First few goes it foams up, stop let the gas hiss out then go again soon it does not foam and no hissing.
A lot easier than shaking and stirring no end
Excellent. I'll give it a go.
I've been shaking my demi johns so far.
Do you degas during the initial fermentation?
Is it worth degassing after the first or second racking?
Thanks again
You usually degas when you add the stabiliser, after a minutes degassing its done and you can add finings and *use the wand to mix it in -Do you degas during the initial fermentation?
Well seems like I was pretty close then?You usually degas when you add the stabiliser, after a minutes degassing its done and you can add finings and *use the wand to mix it in -
*you can slow it right down to do this part no need for a vortex