How to clean stubborn bottles?

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Jun 6, 2011
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I have a number of bottles from supermarkets that I've been cleaning and sterilising but I've noticed that a number of them now have plastic labels as opposed to the paper labels. These are really difficult to remove and when they are, they leave an incredibly tough adhesive residue on the bottle that neither boiling water or white spirit will remove. Does anyone know of any solvents that will take this stuff off?
Is it really worth expending the time and effort?
Just stick to the easy to de-label beers.
Fill the bottles with hot water (that's hot tap as opposed to kettle) and leave them to stand for a couple of minutes, then sometimes the labels will peel off taking the glue with them.

If the glue still stays on the bottle I agree with the others, recycle and find something different.
I do what Moley said, fill with hot water and leave to stand. If theres any glue left on after ive took the label off, i run the hot water from the tap over the glue, and quick scrub with the scourer side of a sponge seems to work for me.
Although i tend to stick to either magners bottles or newcie brown ale bottles, Seem to have easyish to remove labels.
Holts Brewery (my employer) use these plastic labels, I can confirm that it is NOT worth the effort to remove the lables. The adhisive is stuborn, I tried white spirit, baking, acetone etc.. NOTHING works.. ended up using wire wool/pan scurbbers and you use one of those up on about 6 bottles.. Makes me sad because I brought 60 home the other day...
Agreed: nothing seems to work. I'll just chuck them in the recycling bin and use some of those green Grolsch bottles that are gathering dust under the stairs.
Try petrol - i have the same problem here with plastic type labels on wine bottles.
Even after a 3 day soak they wont come off so i scrape most off with a blunt knife then spray petrol on the gunk with a small spray bottle then give a quick scrub with one of those scourer sponge things and it gets it all off.
Those metal scourers were just clogging up with the stuff.
Then i give the bottles a good rinsing with soapy then clean water - does the trick for me. :thumb:
screamlead said:
Try petrol..... - ....then give a quick scrub with one of those scourer sponge things and it gets it all off.

I once set my arm on fire messing around with petrol.. even if it works. I'll wait but thanks for the idea. Maybe in a well ventilated place in the rain... :)

I just used brothers bottles, easy to peel the label of but lots of sticky stuff that doesn’t come off. Couldn’t be bothered to get rid of the sticky stuff just stick a label over it
There is a product called "Sticky Stuff Remover" which I think you can get from stationers. Never used it yet so can't comment on it's efectiveness.
Another vote for this product, it does work, though I tend to avoid those type of bottles nowadays :grin:
i put all my bottles through the dish washer ... run on high temp setting and the lables either come off by them selves or just rub off ... any that come off dont do any damage as are stopped by the filter on the bottom.... plus the bottles get steri'd by the dishwash :thumb: just re-steri them before you use them
mashman said:
There is a product called "Sticky Stuff Remover" which I think you can get from stationers. Never used it yet so can't comment on it's efectiveness.

It turns out that the shop across the road from me sell this. I shall do some practical experiments tomorrow.

I have a couple of 20litre bins ( car boot woman for £1.50) as she must get foodstuffs in them. Soda crystals, fill with water, soak em a couple days - altho now i just use some 16mmx22mm labels on the caps run thru the printer (labels from staples- about £3.49 for 600)
Printer spits em out in about 5 secs.
I can't be arsed to spend time removing labels, they come off after a few times, and if not, I tend to leave them on, or toss em

Those staples labels are handy, as you can scribble the og, type and date on one, then stick it on the fv so u don't forget, especially if you have more than one brew on, and have identical fv's !! :D

Just saying, ive never come across anything that a water soak or petrol wouldnt disolve.
No need to soak, just soak the label, scrape off, and bubb with a petrol rag.
Works a charm :thumb:
I work in the food industry and we use labels on our cases that have adhesive made in hell itself. I use a product called "label remover" (genius name that! :D) from RS. You can buy it in maplins too. I have a couple of these plastic labelled bottles, i'll have a go and see if it does any good, reporting back....I also have isopropyl alcohol wipes, they might be able to shift it. Again, i'll give it a shot and report back...:)

(alternatively, make up your new labels and stick them over the top! I have reams of 76x102 labels that i haev stored up, ready to abuse my priveliges at work, making labels for my grand cru!!!)
Egon said:
I work in the food industry and we use labels on our cases that have adhesive made in hell itself. I use a product called "label remover" (genius name that! :D) from RS. You can buy it in maplins too. I have a couple of these plastic labelled bottles, i'll have a go and see if it does any good, reporting back....I also have isopropyl alcohol wipes, they might be able to shift it. Again, i'll give it a shot and report back...:)

(alternatively, make up your new labels and stick them over the top! I have reams of 76x102 labels that i haev stored up, ready to abuse my priveliges at work, making labels for my grand cru!!!)

Tried label remover, didn't want to shift the plastic ones, nor did the alcohol wipes, I presume you mean tego wipes that come in those plastic cylinder containers? We have labels at work aswell ideal for printers :)