How To Add Muntons Beerkit Enhancer?

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New Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I'm on my second brew from a kit now. Both times I've used a Coopers kit and added 1kg of Montons Beerkit Enhancer. However, on both occasions some of the enhancer has turned solid instead of dissolving. Is there a way to avoid this happening? I've followed the instructions about adding it to the kit before water is added.

Any tips would be appreciated!
I have had the same problem with Geordie beer enhancer ( I'm sure it's all the same stuff ). I would sugest disolving the beer enhancer in boiling water before adding it to your fv.
Wolverine said:
I have had the same problem with Geordie beer enhancer ( I'm sure it's all the same stuff ). I would sugest disolving the beer enhancer in boiling water before adding it to your fv.
:whistle: :whistle: Try dissolving it in a couple of pints of cold water . . you'll find it does not clump any where near as bad as if you try to do it in hot water
Thanks ale man you just saved mr I'm just about to brew and was gonna try out my boiling water theory : )
aleman saves the day
I use Muntons Beer Enhancer and it clumps up to start with after adding the hot water but if you stir it when you add a couple of gallons of cold water it's fine......not had any clumps pre pitching but then again I use a paddle rather than a spoon for stirring
Thanks for the advice guys. So it sounds like the instruction on the pack about adding directly to the malt before adding water isn't the best of advice!