howyoubrewin said:
Punk IPA clone
2kg maris pale
2kg light lme
Wlp007 yeast
Chinook, simcoe, sauvin and athanum at various intervals.
Brewed to 21L.
I can't do all grain due to limited equipment at my disposal so have asked around and this seems the best compromise.
Sound like it might work?
Yes it's a great method, will make great beer. I've done it. Anywhere between 2.5 litres per kg and 3 litres per kg is fine. BIABers actually put all the water in the mash in one go, for around 6 litres per kg. But small pots mean a more traditional ratio. Then a sparge.
For 2kg grain use 5 to 6 litres water heated to about 75C. Add your grain, stirring, temp will drop to 67ish, depends on various things. You need 65-70 really. Put lid on and cover with towels, coats, sleeping bag, anything. After an hour lift the bag, allow to drain, and pour wort into a bucket. Then drop bag into your pot and add more hot water (about 80C, ideally heated in a separate vessel), stir and leave 10-15 mins. strain again. The exact method depends on what gear you have available. I have a 15 litre and 11 litre pots, so I heated sparge water in the 11 litre during the mash. Amount of water you sparge with and boil depends on size of pot(s). How big is your pot?! Do you have two?
I would boil hops with this wort and add LME at or near the end of the boil.