How many litres of home brew have you made 2023.

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Is that the kit or just the yeast? Did you use a different bittering yeast?
Hi CC no it is my recipe with 175g of Maori Mingle hops in a whirlpool and 50g in a dry hop using Kveik. It is a very basic recipe just extra pale MO and 200g of Carapils and some Acid malt for PH so very basic so as not to takeaway from the hops
Hi CC no it is my recipe with 175g of Maori Mingle hops in a whirlpool and 50g in a dry hop using Kveik. It is a very basic recipe just extra pale MO and 200g of Carapils and some Acid malt for PH so very basic so as not to takeaway from the hops
Thanks Baron
i used Southern Cross to bitter, Rakau @10m and 50g Māori mingle at whirlpool. I used Pia yeast.
My malts were MO, Carapils, Naked Oats, Vienna and Melanoidin.
The reason I have not copied/cloned the recipe is I wanted to do a more or less a SMASH even though technically it isn't so I would get a good idea of the hops on their own.
Sorry for the mini-hijack of the thread athumb..
20 ltrs of Craftys saison CML Walonia yeast starter pitched warm and went like the clappers. 1515 ltrs.
23 litres of "Leeds Salute" - vaguely based on St Austell Tribute. My first batch done with the Klarstein

1538 L Total
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