How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

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5 gallons of Arkell's Kingsdown Ale (extract)
5 gallons of EDME Irish stout (kit)

Total = 2017.5

(Personal total only 15 gallons so far!).
I've not contrubuted to this thread yet this year, so here goes...

4 gallons of dark mild
4 gallons of dark bitter

2gallons of light hoppy First Gold awesomeness.

3x different 1 gallon Single Malt and Single Hop test batches.

Personal Total = 13gallons

Overall Total = 2030.5 Gallons.
another two 5G batches for me

5G Belgian Amber

My total 41G

Forum Total = 2040.5 gallons
1 Gal Elderflower Sparkling
1 Gal Medium sweet Elderflower
1 Gal Dandelion
4 Gal Edme Irish Stout

Total 2096.5
Whoops, sorry, missed this thread. Better get caught up:

5 gallons of blonde
10 gallons of AIPA
10 gallons of EIPA
5 gallons of american wheat
5 gallons of APA
10 gallons of kolsch

Total 2141.5
Crud, missed the 5 gallons of northern brown and 5 gallons of summer ale I've got fermenting right now.

Make that 2151.5 gallons total.
10 gallons of EPA with Styrians (so arguably not that English). :lol:

2161.5 gallons in total.
Apple Cider - 1 Gallon Just Started

2162.5 total

Pathetic compared to you guys I know but only started this week :whistle:
And from the Madhouse Bewery:

5 gallons Madhouse "Outcast" (Black Sheep clone) bottled
5 gallons Madhouse "Beyond" (Harvest Pale clone) fermenting

Total = 2177.5

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