How long would videne last?

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Active Member
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Nr Oxford
Hey all,

It's a pretty simple question. If I load up a spray bottle with diluted videne to prepare bottles for bottling, how long will that remain usable?

I barely use anything when spraying into my bottles, so even though it's a tiny amount of videne in the solution, I'm loathe to throw it away.

Can it be used a week later/ a month later?

What do you reckon?


Tricky question. The perceived wisdom is that as long as it is brown it is still effective, however I have been doing a bit of research, and this may not always be the case. This is especially true if you live in an area where there is a moderate to high alkalinity in the water. A true iodophor (Like Brupaks iodophor) is acidified (with phosphoric acid) so that when diluted the working solution is around or below pH 3, Is Videne Acidified? I have no idea, it's something I do need to test.

For the time being I would say that as long as the solution is brown AND the pH is below 3.0 then you are fine to reuse it, otherwise you are better off making a fresh solution. . . . people in a hard water area (and while the drought continues here in the sunny north west this includes me) should consider using something like Tesco Ashbeck or Aquapura bottled water to make up the iodophor.

Another thing to consider is that the working strength solution is 12.5 to 25ppm (1.25 to 2.5 ml per litre). More is not better!! just slopping a bit of videne in and going "that's the right colour" can cause more harm than good. The solution actually becomes less effective against beer spoilage organisms above 25ppm, and is certainly no longer 'no rinse' . . . I know it is somewhat counter intuitive, but that's the way it is, Measure it properly, and use acidified water if you intend to keep and reuse it.
Thanks - good answers,

It does seem a waste to throw away most of a spray bottle, but when I compare that to all the bleach/water and rinsing solutions I've been through before, it's not a real concern!

I make up my Videne in a spray bottle and then just chuck that at the end of each brew day, siphoning mission or bottling session.

At the recommended dose this bottle is going to last a very long time and I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to sanitising.
I have a friend who mixes citric acid with it to make it last... but I always throw it the day I use it. It's not expensive - especially against the cost of a brew (money, time and love) so don't take the chance.

I also always rinse. If I can smell it (which I can), I don't want it in my beer!

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