How do you increase the Og On woodforde kit

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henry willis

New Member
Jan 17, 2020
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Have just done a woodforde kit old nog came out at just over 4.00 rather than 4.5 as advertised.

enjoyed the beer, but would like to make it stronger and wonder how to achieve this.

How does the reduction work in relation to increased og

10% less water = 10% og increase

How does the reduction work in relation to increased og

10% less water = 10% og increase

Of crucial importance is knowing how much water you are putting in. Marks on fermenting vessels may be way off, so it's necessary to calibrate your fermenting vessel.

I just short brewed a Woodforde Wherry at 20 Litres.
The Nog kit should come out at about 4.6%. The last one I did got to 4.33%. What OG and FG did you get?
These kits are usually pretty reliable if you add the correct water volume etc. Could it just be that you’ve given it a good stirring but not quite enough to mix it fully so the OG is reading low?

The Woodfordes kits also used to have a reputation for sticking at 1.020 but I think they increased the amount of yeast in each kit a year or 2 ago to counter that.
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Apart from the fact that you get about 0.2% 'boost' from the fermentation of the primary sugar which is never included in ABV calcs based on OG and FG (unless of course you are force carbing), and which I wonder whether kit manufacturer's ABV claims include, what's the importance of whether your beer is 4% or 4.5%? It really isn't all that significant. Isn't the motivation for drinking beer what it tastes, looks and perhaps smells like, and the stated ABV is only of importance if you are paying duty or of interest to the beer drinker so that he/she can be aware of how much alcohol they are consuming.
I did a Nog in May (my second ever kit) and it only got to 3.4 but, I think as someone suggested above, my hydrometer skills were poor at first and the mix was not homogeneous.

I only have a few left but tried one a couple nights ago and it’s improved so well and was very tasty