Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

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Year 1 Centennial harvested last night.. Really surprised I got anything as it took so long to get out of the ground compared to my other hops, I thought the rhizome I planted back in feb/mar time had actually failed. Also, even though it was last out the ground, it has beaten my other hops to being ready first.. !
I reckon prob around 40g dried weight there - maybe enough for a nice hoppy lager :cool:
Fingers crossed. Mine just didn't get off to a good start. Maybe, next year with some TLC (horse ****) over winter.
Just had a look again this morning. I think there's a decent crop there - hard to tell as the wind broke three of my hop poles so everything's in a bit of a heap. Definitely a lot of cascade and challenger too but yet again nothing on progress or eastwell so I think they'll be dug out this winter.
Very decent crop here this year, Challenger and Styrian Goldings are nearly ready to pick. I'll wait as late as possible as the aromas are still developing, they've really come on in the last few days. Cascade is well behind, I guess because of the cooler temps this year, some cones still forming, not sure the crop is going to be that great this year.


Styrian Goldings
The Styrians are grown up this: basically the longest bits of B&Q timber I could get in the car, made into a frame with string dangled off it for the bines to grow up, Guess it's about 10ft tall. Been growing these for about 10 years.


The Challenger is grown up a tall garden archway across the path down to the garage. This is fairly recent, only been in 3 years I think.
The Styrians are grown up this: basically the longest bits of B&Q timber I could get in the car, made into a frame with string dangled off it for the bines to grow up, Guess it's about 10ft tall. Been growing these for about 10 years.

View attachment 103506

The Challenger is grown up a tall garden archway across the path down to the garage. This is fairly recent, only been in 3 years I think.
Ah, that's interesting. We've setup trees for an espalier arrangement. Except the trees aren't going so well.
So I'm using the espalier lines to grow along. Which of course means I have to tie them on.
I love this idea.
All Prima Donna, 2nd year :
1st the poorest growth,

Next to it and slightly better :


Then best of all with a different aspect, and should make a few brews, provided I get them picked when ready and before they spoil. 🍻
The Styrians are grown up this: basically the longest bits of B&Q timber I could get in the car, made into a frame with string dangled off it for the bines to grow up, Guess it's about 10ft tall. Been growing these for about 10 years.

View attachment 103506

The Challenger is grown up a tall garden archway across the path down to the garage. This is fairly recent, only been in 3 years I think.
Hi, is 10ft high enough, or like my Prima Donna are the Styrians a dwarf variety?
I looked at the weather and pulled the trigger - Harvest time!
Does anyone NOT know my hops are Prima Donna (aka First Gold)?



They're all drying now in that garage's joists with a fan underneath.
Harvested 625g (wet off the bine).
Certainly enough to brew with, and not a disaster considering the weather this year, and it's only their 2nd season in the ground.
Nice one, I think some of mine are ready but this weather isn't helping, 7.6mm of rain here in 15min at 5am this morning! Doesn't look too bad midweek so might go for that. The Cascade are nowhere near ready.
Finally caved in, picked some of the Styrian Goldings today: bumper crop. Might get some more but TBH that's going to be enough for the next year. Challenger next, Cascade still seem to be developing so maybe a week or two away.

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