With the shoots just showing on my Goldings, I thought it was time to finally brew with last year’s harvest!
Gardens Goldings - 5.3%
Classic English-Style
Pale Ale
Fermentables (4.8kg)
3 kg - Pale Ale Finest Maris Otter 5 EBC (62.5%)
1 kg - Pale Ale Low Colour Maris Otter 3 EBC... (20.8%)
500 g - Mild Ale Malt 10 EBC (10.4%)
200 g - Carapils/Carafoam 3.9 EBC (4.2%)
100 g - Crystal 100 135 EBC (2.1%)
Hops (160 g)
60 min - 30 g - East Kent Goldings (EKG) (Whole) - 5%
30 min - 50 g - Mid Beds Goldings (Whole) - 4%
0 min - 50 g - Mid Beds Goldings (Whole) - 4%
Dry hop - 5 days - 30 g - Mid Beds Goldings (Whole) - 4%
^ Estimated Alpha
1 pkg - Danstar Nottingham
I made this as a SMASH last year with MO and Goldings, but felt it lacked a little body. This year I’ve included a small Crystal addition to the grain bill as well as subbing some of the MO with 500g of mild ale malt I had left over. Used commercial EKG for the 60 min bittering charge, but used the homegrown hops for a 30min addition and at flameout. Will also be dry hopping with some more Mid-Beds Goldings.
This was meant to be 5.3% but my mash efficiency was better than expected

, so should hit 5.6% instead at around 40 IBU (though difficult to say with using some homegrown hops in the boil). Looking forward to this one already!
Anyone else brewing this week?