Going wellMine is close to a foot tall. Was crap last year so i just left it in an old youngs fermentor. Should i dig it up and plant some in the ground?

What is the hop you have?
Going wellMine is close to a foot tall. Was crap last year so i just left it in an old youngs fermentor. Should i dig it up and plant some in the ground?
No signs of life with mine yet (edinburgh). Last year it didn't get going until early april.Just thought I'd bump this thread since the growing season appears to have started.
I have two Prima Donna (First Gold) plants in large pots having planted the rhizomes last year. They each have upwards of 10 shoots on each plant with a few about 100mm long, and some shoots have overwintered . I have already cut a few off so that the remaining shoots are stronger. At present I will be aiming for 3 bines to string up.
I live in Sussex, so whats it like further north given the mildish winter we have had.
Cascade. Should I replant it? It's in about 20l of soil so I would like to out some into the ground and the rest in a bigger pot.Going well
What is the hop you have?
Given I'm no expert whatsoever but from what I have read the time to replant is nearly over if not done if you want to get a good crop this year. So you really need to decide what you want to do soonest.Cascade. Should I replant it? It's in about 20l of soil so I would like to out some into the ground and the rest in a bigger pot.
I had one or two shoots about this time last year from the rhizomes I planted earlier in January. So yours should not be far awayPlanted my new ones late last year but nothing showing yet - didn't expect much in the first year.