Home made pear syrup addition to TC..

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Aug 4, 2014
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Right, now I've done a few successful TC's after the first disastrous cider vinegar.....I'm thinking of making my own pear syrup from a basic recipe (1 cup pear cubes to 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water) and then adding it to my TC at the bottling stage.
Would I be right in saying that the sugar in the syrup will create the fizz?
Has anyone done this and how much should I add per bottle?
Depending on what I read a cup measure is around 125 to 200grams

4 grams of sugar to a teaspoon. so for 5ltrs / 8 bottles that's 32gr sugar in the syrup. So if I make 200ml of liquid that's 25ml per bottle - ive just answered my own question...

Would that be enough does anyone think? Or not enough. I don't want exploding bottles.
Sounds ok quantity wise.
However pears are a very mild flavour in wine so im not sure if you will notice it.??
Sounds ok quantity wise.
However pears are a very mild flavour in wine so im not sure if you will notice it.??
Good point. Im just after something to make the TC more interesting. Its bubbling nicely. I got some fresh pears today so recon its a goer.
I understand.
Pears make Perry,Its delicious,Give it a go.
The TC thing is a real boon to homebrewing. athumb..
Indeed, especially when you can turn out a gallon of it for less that 3 quids (;-)

I got a tray of pears from Aldi for just 87p. Probably make the syrup tomorrow & bang it in the fridge as Im WFH for a couple of days ...ahem.
Like the fact that wine can be made for so little cost,As did my Father so many years ago that I don't want to think about it athumb..