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New Member
Dec 18, 2011
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just done my first ever home brew ,
im just waiting on temp to stabilise to add yeast ,

im a complete novice to this . but i done what it said on the tin lol
welcome John , its a great hobby , easy to do just keep every thing clean and sterile including your hands and don't ferment beer to high a temp (18/22c) , good luck with your brew
well after yesterday waiting till my temp stabilized to put yeast in ii got up this morning to find a head of foam in buket as i can see through fv a bit ,but not notice much bubbles yet


is the brewers yeast in holland and barrets the same yeast ?

cheers :drink:
here's the hardest part of home brewing. Leave it alone for 10 days don't open the lid to peek and or smell. Wait the time out.
my foam head seems to have shrunk down today
as i can see through my fv abit ,
is this normal lol
Well done mate!

johny73 said:
is the brewers yeast in holland and barrets the same yeast ?

cheers :drink:

No. Its unlikely to contain any viable yeast cells. That said, the best kit tweak you can do is to throw away the yeast that comes with your kit and get some decent yeast from a homebrew store.

Safbrew SO4 is a good neutral ale yeast.
might bottle it tonight still a touch cloudy tho lol

im a virgin brewer my first time iv all bottles steeping and syphon in a bucket of sterilizing solution .

then i put teaspoon of sugar in each 500ml bottle and fill up with beer and let sit for 2 weeks

thanks guys
I wouldn't bottle a lager at 1.010. Anytime I've done the lager kits they have gone to around, or maybe just under, 1.005. You want to be 100% sure that fermentation is done before bottling.
My first kit was also a youngs ubrew buddy lager kit. Made a very nice brew in the end. IIRC I bottled at 1.006, and it took longer than 5 days to get that low!

As has been said already, the best thing I learnt when starting out is patience!