Home Brew Skunk in clear bottles

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Sep 10, 2012
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Can anyone tell me why Home Brewed beer stored in "Clear" bottles will go Skunky if its not kept in the dark, but commercial beer does not?
Commercial beers use a hop extract which has been treated so that it doesn't. Hop oils will react to sunlight and skunk so brown bottles are best or store clear bottles in cardboard boxes in a dark cupboard.
It's also going to depend on what you're brewing and how.

If you're brewing kit beers then they will probably also have used isomerised hop extracts so the problem shouldn't exist, it only arises if you're brewing extract or AG and boiling your wort with leaf or pellet hops.
Thanks graysalchemy, I was aware it was something to do with UV but didnt know why.

I take it, then, that this is the case for the "Tinned" kits aswell as brewing from a mash?
Sorry Moley, I must have posted at the same time as you.

So Kits should be OK. :thumb:
Thought I'd revive this thread rather than start a new one, so does anyone know if Coopers Stout (the white can) uses Isomerised hops? I bottled a batch in to Green Grolsch bottles on Satuday and only just thought about skunking today. The bottles are carbonating in my spare room, on the floor, so out of direct sunlight, so I'm hoping that I haven't ruined the batch. I've asked the wife to close the curtains now, but might chuck a blanket over them later to keep any further light off them.
I don't know if they are or not. However green bottles are better than clear and if you keep them in a dark cupboard or in a covered cardboard box they will be fine. :thumb:

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