Hi.....Apologies for the short introduction, but for some reason it's all the forum would allow me to write, anything more and it stated I was spam and wouldn't let me send....
I'm 39 and live in Essex. My home brewing started back in 2010. My neighbour is very into it, and I popped in one afternoon for a brew and was a little inquisitive. He showed me his gear, what he had brewing and we did a little tasting. Very impressed, especially when the initial out lay was not very expensive.
So I pondered for a few days and then visited a local'ish shop. They were very friendly and gave me over an hour of their time advising and sorting me out the right kit. I started with a Beverdale Borola Concentrate. The aim to get my head around it all ready to pick the grapes from my own vine. The Borola turned out awesome. Far better than the supermarket wine.
I went on to pick my grapes and well sadly after completion etc it tasted awful. Rose looking, very sweet, with an odd after taste. So it went down the drain several months later.
Unfortunately I could not do anything during 2012, cos I just wasn't home enough to do the necessary. Well now, in 2013 I'm back. Just to refresh I have a white concentrate about to go into manufacture, plus I have a cider concentrate sitting on the shelf. Soon it will be grape picking time, and this is where I hope this forum will come to its own. I obviously did something very wrong with my original grapes from my vine, and this year I'm going to give it another go.q. Hopeful ill get some pointer, help along the way.......
Well that's me. I enjoyed the first round, although my own grapes turned out poor, but its kind of fun, and I like the results when they are good.