Hi, newbie from wigan

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New Member
Apr 7, 2014
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Hi all,

I've just discovered the forum as I'm just starting out and found this site. I've been having a read for the last week, very helpful info :thumb:

I bought a winebuddy 6 bottle starter kit and started it 10 days ago and it went perfectly, which surprised me! anyhow now I've been bitten by the bug and I'm buying more equipment to get me properly going.

Cheers :cheers:
He Zero and welcome.

you might find it a bit quieter in here than previously...

there's a reason for that.

There are of course other brewing fora available, for discussion of the craft of brewing, if you don't like the look and feel of this one...:whistle:
Hi from an ex Wiganer. Like others have said, it's all gone a bit quiet on here lately. I'm guessing you got your stuff from wilkinsons and you won't go far wrong buying your beginner equipment from there.
Thanks, yep I got some gear from wilko's but ive picked up some bargain equipment from ebay !

Could anyone point me somewhere I could get a bung/stopper to fit a 5 gallon glass carboy?

I picked 2 up for a quid each, they are about 55mm inside diameter and also have a screw type thread on the outside.

Any help would be appreciated :wha:

If its beer your making just wrap some cling film over the neck and you need not bother with an airlock.
Unless you go mad with the film the Co2 will find a way out.

Atb. Aamcle