Hi, new member and allotment question

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Jun 3, 2024
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Hi all,
I’m new to brewing and the forum and interested in getting into home brewing.

I’ve taken on a quite decent sized allotment and was hoping to brew something from my produce.

What would be the most beginner friendly thing for me to start with, and does anyone have any resources they would recommend I look at?

What Ive identified around my plot: Crab/apples unsure what exactly, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, currents unsure what type yet, pears, plum, possibly elderberries.

Ideally id love to make beer, but I’m not sure if hops etc would be ready in time given that nothing like that is in the ground yet.

Thanks in advance!
Ideally id love to make beer, but I’m not sure if hops etc would be ready in time given that nothing like that is in the ground yet.
I think you have identified your problem.

If you want hops, then you are probably too late for this year.
If you want to make fruit wines you will be looking at minimum 6 months to a year before you can drink them.

If you want to start now, you might just be able to make an elderflower wine, but they are coming to the end (at least in the south of England)
You can sort of cheat and make fruit wine with a mix of cartons of apple juice & blackberries, a hybrid of what's known as WOW on the forum. I used to make it years ago & it took about 6 months to mature.
Hint: Elderberries stain everything dark purple & the wine takes years to mature

Sounds like cider would also be an option in the autumn. I'm find making good cider a difficult skill as you only get one apple harvest a year, you're limited on what apples you can get hold of, which reduces your ability to work out what proportions of apples to use.
It also requires a fruit/cider press to do properly. (I did initial experiments using a food processor & fermenting on the pulp).

Good luck.
Hi all,
I’m new to brewing and the forum and interested in getting into home brewing.

I’ve taken on a quite decent sized allotment and was hoping to brew something from my produce.

What would be the most beginner friendly thing for me to start with, and does anyone have any resources they would recommend I look at?

What Ive identified around my plot: Crab/apples unsure what exactly, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, currents unsure what type yet, pears, plum, possibly elderberries.

Ideally id love to make beer, but I’m not sure if hops etc would be ready in time given that nothing like that is in the ground yet.

Thanks in advance!
Make some nettle beer if you have stinging nettles around the allotment, no hops needed just sugar and lemons.
I think you have identified your problem.

If you want hops, then you are probably too late for this year.
If you want to make fruit wines you will be looking at minimum 6 months to a year before you can drink them.

If you want to start now, you might just be able to make an elderflower wine, but they are coming to the end (at least in the south of England)
You can sort of cheat and make fruit wine with a mix of cartons of apple juice & blackberries, a hybrid of what's known as WOW on the forum. I used to make it years ago & it took about 6 months to mature.
Hint: Elderberries stain everything dark purple & the wine takes years to mature

Sounds like cider would also be an option in the autumn. I'm find making good cider a difficult skill as you only get one apple harvest a year, you're limited on what apples you can get hold of, which reduces your ability to work out what proportions of apples to use.
It also requires a fruit/cider press to do properly. (I did initial experiments using a food processor & fermenting on the pulp).

Good luck.
Thanks, I’m quite handy at diy so I’m sure I could make some sort of apple press. I’m not fussed about cider but my wife is so at least one of us will enjoy it!
Make some nettle beer if you have stinging nettles around the allotment, no hops needed just sugar and lemons.
Good idea, sadly they’ve all faced the strimmer along with all the other 6ft overgrown weeds! I imagine you need quite a significant supply of nettle to make it?
The best country wines I've made have been mixtures ;
Blackberry (80%) and Elderberry (20%)

Apples mixed (60%) and Pears (40%)

Elderflower is easily found all over the place and makes a fantastic wine fermented dry or sparkling.

Same as all brewing, getting basics right with sanitising, controlling temp, gravity taking etc is key to making decent wine.

My recipe details here if you're interested but lots of recipes online for country wines


Be aware that hops spread. They need training and managing.

I've deliberately planted in an area of the garden where they can't take over.
Yes. I've let mine run a bit rampant for several years which can be a problem if you plant different varieties too close together.
Every couple of years you have to dig round them to remove creeping rhizomes. Plus side of this is that us hop growers often have spare rhizomes to give away.
As it says in the bible - ask and you shall be given. Or words to that effect.
I have an allotment and started making wine from some of my produce last summer. So far I have made rhubarb, gooseberry, blackberry, blackberry & grape, crown prince squash, elderflower and quince wines. I would say that so far the rhubarb was the most successful. This year I intend to make all of those again with the addition of pea pod, raspberry, beetroot and parsnip wines. It’s not too late to sow a few parsnips, you’ve definitely got time to sow beetroot. I have used recipes from River Cottage handbook, Andy Hamilton Booze for Free ( both from my local library). Liz Zorab Bythe Farm on You Tube for beetroot wine. Brewbitz also have good videos on You Tube
Hello & Welcome to the forum, I'm an allotment gardener and brewer of many years I also bloged a bit along the way I have made wines and cider and beers from allotment produce, You will soon find from your allotment group their will be people happy to help new gardeners with ideas and excess produce like apples, plums and the list will go on I always make at least a demi john or two of somthing my favorite is Cherry Brandy with red grape wine and red grape port are close 2nds I also made an apple scratter and press. take a look at my blog it might give you some ideas, Ive not posted for a while. but I must stress your fellow allotment members are a great asset to you

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