hi from the states...throwing together a pilsner tomorrow

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Jun 20, 2023
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hi everyone from across the pond or is that a stupid thing that only us americans think you say.
anyway i have joined this forum due to the acceptance of can kit brewers over here.. in the US on the sister site they dont use can kits. they shun can kit brewers and make it hard for us to have a discussion without some wise ass saying can kits suck and i brew better beer with my spike conical grainfather thingamajiggy etc.

i have been brewing coopers and muntons for 30 years. although in the US they would say im not really brewing. i recently got a hold of these cool pouch kits that include dry hops and am excited to start one.

tomorrow i am putting this together

1 pouch of hopped LME pilsner (1.8kg)
12 ounces of dextrose
6 ounces of golden light dme

topped up to 4.5 gallons
this gives me less than 20 percent corn in the grist so hopefully it wont make the beer too thin/cidery/corny/etc .
hoping for a og of 1042 and hoping i can get this down to 1008 for an abv of 4.5 percent

i will split this into two fermenters.

1 will get diamond lager yeast slurry from my previous lager batch and fermented at 56 degrees for 2 weeks possibly 3 weeks.

the other will get the yeast that came with the kit and i will ferment at 69 degrees for 2 to 3 weeks

i plan on splitting up the dry hops between the two. even though its just 14 grams of hops

does this sound like a reasonable plan what do you guys think of the fermentable additions?
the kit obviously just calls for the old kilo of dextrose.

thanks in advance hope you brits are more forgiving than us 'muricans'.
Nothing wrong with kits, made many a good beer using Cooper's kits before changing to (not progressing wink... ) all grain. Never did more than adding some DME or tin of treacle.

Good luck
i have joined this forum due to the acceptance of can kit brewers over here.. in the US on the sister site they dont use can kits. they shun can kit brewers and make it hard for us to have a discussion without some wise ass saying can kits suck and i brew better beer with my spike conical grainfather thingamajiggy etc.
Welcome to the forum.

It used to be a bit like that here a few years ago you often saw comments like "stop wasting your money on kits and go all grain you will never look back" the kit brewers got fed up and asked the admins if they would have their own forum and here it is ;)

Maybe you could ask @THBF if something similar could be added at - Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

This is where it all started back in 2015 here -
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hey cool i already feel more at home. lol i also had moved on to biab but always brewed a kit or two when i found a sale . i have since devolved back into kits due to time constraints and scoring 8 of them at 10 bucks a peice with shipping .

i love coopers kits i am drinking a kegged coopers lager currently i made with 11 ounces of pure agave syrup, some dme, and zamba hops. its one of my favorite recipes.
kits are great in my opinion, they give me a great base to experiment with . i have more than enough fun fermenting kegging carbonating conditioning etc . i dont need to mash boil chill. ( god this might get me banned over there or at least ghosted. lol)
and i know my beer is good because aside from friends etc liking it, i drink every drop in the glass . if im sucking down the last foam in the glass im likely going to remake that recipe.

the hops that came with the kit are nondescriptive i wrote the company and am hoping to here back from them on any more info.

but i have about a half pound of nz pacifica i can always throw into something if i want.

chippy tea - OMG - im star struck i spent a good year or more lurking on your supermarket juice wine thread. i was able to add juice wines to my fermenting schedule because of you. i make bilberry wine in the fall which gets raves . thank you so much for the welcome - i am honored.

thanks everyone for the warm welcome, i love can kit brewing ( or as they say in the US kit reconstituting )
chippy tea - OMG - im star struck i spent a good year or more lurking on your supermarket juice wine thread.
Thanks, I started it in May 2013 and never thought it would take off like it did it now has over 3,000 replies and 488,000 views, i would like to read it from start to finish now. :D
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