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You make that sound easy enough. What about if i leave it overnight without cleaning? Or would i need to get into better habits?
Vossy1 said:
To clean mine I pump a solution of Saniclean through it for about 30 minutes, during the boil, turning the pump on and off for a couple of minutes each time.
Pour the Saniclean out of the bucket and add boiling water and pump to waste.
Attach to boiler tap and recirc hot wort for the last 10 minutes of the boil...done...doddle
I'm also very lazy :lol:

And I'm even lazier..and tighter than Vossy. ;) During the boil I recirculate a bleach solution through my cfc for about 5 mins. Leave it to soak for 10 mins...then flush with cold water.

Never had a problem.

Oh and I flush it through with cold water after each brew for about 5 mins.
What do you use to recirculate the bleach? - I need a small pump of some sort really - one of those pumps Vossy has for HERMS is a bit of overkill really.
eskimobob said:
What do you use to recirculate the bleach? - I need a small pump of some sort really - one of those pumps Vossy has for HERMS is a bit of overkill really.

Ah well....I'm a bit of a pi55 and fart man myself...so I use Flojets...never a problem. Set to the required pressure and flow and away you go....with a satisfying sound of respiration to boot. :grin:
Oggys Bar said:
Ah well....I'm a bit of a pi55 and fart man myself...so I use Flojets...never a problem. Set to the required pressure and flow and away you go....with a satisfying sound of respiration to boot. :grin:

Don't they consume a lot of gas though :hmm:
Vossy1 said:
Not sure what you mean...are you going to stare at it and scare it into sterility :rofl:

I seem to be able to do that with women. Surely it'll work on an CFC?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
eskimobob said:
Don't they consume a lot of gas though :hmm:

I don't use gas, my flojets are connected to a compressor. I have one Flojet for pumping from the MT to the Copper (this can also be used to recirc through the MT and will be used to pump through my HERMS) and another for pumping from the copper--> through the CFC --> to the FV. This one is also used to pump or recirc sanitiser through the CFC.

Flojets are rated for use at 50C or 70c (depending upon what you read) but both my pumps have operated for about a year now with absolutely no problems and they pump wort and HL at up to 80C regularly. The compressor is a bit noisy but I can actually just about achieve a brew with what air is in the air tank (and its only a small compressor) In practice it usually cuts in a couple of times and runs for 2 mins each time during a brew.

I have a few spare flojets just in case. Brand new ones from e-bay £12.00, 2nd hand ones, I've got for as low as £0.99p. Flow is infinitely variable via an air regulator, the pumps need no priming and they will start stop on opening or closing a v/v if required.

The brewery is in bits at the moment (fitting the HERMS) but I'll put some pictures up when its back together again. Hopefully tomorrow because I want to do a couple of brews. :)
Interesting - I'd not thought of a compressor - obvious now you say it though. I do have one in the shed but it's too big to wheel indoors. I guess I could sanitise the CFC in the shed though.
I've ordered a small electric pump from fleabay so will see if that is any good first but thanks for the info...
eskimobob said:
Interesting - I'd not thought of a compressor - obvious now you say it though. I do have one in the shed but it's too big to wheel indoors. I guess I could sanitise the CFC in the shed though.

DaaB used to run a flojet using one of those 12v (car) battery powered compressors used for inflating tyres....He did state it was a bit noisy though ;)
I won't be using my flojet again until I get a Compressor . . . BnQ had a Performance Pro one on offer just before Christmas for 40 quid . . . and I decided to pass on it . . . wish I'd bought it now . . . they don't seen to carry them any more . . . just the big Rockworth jobs or some silly plastic built ones.

I can't see those 12V compressor type being a lot of good, but I do find the flojet to be handy, and while it did use gas it wasn't a massive amount.
Vossy1 said:
You're going to have a lot of fun OB :thumb:

Vossy1....You're not japing...what a PITA these PIds are to set up :x ...At last I think I have tuned it enough to at least try Aleman's used mash calibration...just need to get a couple of brews on...looking like week-end :thumb: ..unless the Boss has other ideas.. :nono:
Hello all Aleman these are very good less than £40 on Ebay

I am thinking of using it for my herms instead of my Totton pump would i control the herms flow speed using the valves on my herms exchanger or by regulating the air flow to my flowjet :hmm: :?:
Cheers Rab,

I'm looking to get one of those for wort aeration, so will give it a go with the FloJet when it arrives . . . didn't think it would be able to cope with the volume/pressure of gas required for the FloJet though . . . Still if it does that is another saving

Edit: I;ve always wanted an Airbrush so I reckon this is a good buy :D
Hello Aleman just gave the compressor a try with the flowjet pump pumping some water noisy but works no problem can shift at a fair rate as well if needed is the flowjet supposed to sound like a piston going up & down. :?:
Rabmaxwell said:
Is the flowjet supposed to sound like a piston going up & down. :?:

They didn't get the nickname "Boink" pumps on UK Homebrew for nothing ;) :lol:
Rabmaxwell said:
I am thinking of using it for my herms instead of my Totton pump would i control the herms flow speed using the valves on my herms exchanger or by regulating the air flow to my flowjet :hmm: :?:

The Flojet controls beautifully by regulating the pressure. It will stop if you turn off the v/v which controls the liquid and start again when you open it. If there is not enough flow, then turn up the air pressure.

The noise is something you have to put up with....but if you put a length of tubing on the Flojet exhaust, this will reduce the noise output significantly.

Has the pump got an air reservoir tank...I cant tell from the picture...otherwise a constantly running pump might get on your nerves a bit.
Cheers Oggys Bar & no it hasn't got a air tank didn't know you could buy air tanks for them :hmm: